Troubleshooting Difficult Appliances

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Troubleshooting Difficult Appliances

Few things are more frustrating than appliances that simply won't stop having trouble. In addition to disrupting your daily routine, appliances with problems can also absorb a great deal of your time. A few months ago, I spent an entire Saturday trying to figure out why our dishwasher wasn't working. To end these kinds of problems, I decided that it would be smart to invest in an appliance services plan. Simply put, professional technicians would come out and repair our appliances whenever they stopped working properly. This plan was a lifesaver for our family, and this blog is all about why.

How To Replace A Washing Machine Timer

2 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If your washing machine won't advance to the next cycle, or only works in some cycles, replace the timer. The timer controls how long the clothes are washed, and what cycle to use. Timers are commonly the first parts to wear out on a washer because of constant usage, but beginning DIY person can replace them. Here are some tips to replace a washing machine timer. Prepare to Work For this project, you need: Read More …

The Two Most Common Reasons Your Fridge Is Leaking Water

26 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

It is never a good sign when your fridge starts to leak water. Here is a quick guide to the two most common reasons that your refrigerator may be leaking water, as well as what action steps you should take depending on the potential cause of the water leak. Address The Water First If there is a pool of water under or by your fridge, before you try to diagnose and figure out what is wrong with your fridge, you need to take care of the water that is present. Read More …

How to Clean Your AC Fan Compartment and Condenser

26 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If your air conditioner doesn't seem to be blowing cold air, there could be a problem with the condenser unit. The condenser unit is located on the outside of the house right next to the building. Since it is exposed to the elements, it can get dirty, and this can reduce its ability to produce cold air. This is a particularly common problem for homeowners who fail to cover their condenser unit during the winter months. Read More …

4 Important Keys To Dryer Maintenance

19 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you want to receive the absolute best performance from your dryer over the years, it will take some effort on your behalf. The way you proactively take care of your dryer will indicate how long it lasts, how efficiently it operates and how well you are able to avoid safety issues. With this in mind, take advantage of these maintenance tips below and do not hesitate to touch base with a dryer repair service for more help. Read More …

3 Of The Most Costly Mistakes You Can Make With Your Front-Loading Washing Machine

17 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Sitting there on the showroom floor of the appliance store, those shiny and new front-loading washing machines look like a laundry doer's dream come true. An array of settings for temperature, control over spin speed, and even water efficiency that is hard to match make these modern washing machines a top choice for many appliance shoppers. Even though their top-chosen status is perfectly warranted, these washers can come along with a set of operating practices you have to be careful to avoid. Read More …